Affiliate Disclosure

At, we believe in being upfront and honest about how we operate online. So, we want to make it clear that some of the products and links you see on our site may earn us a commission if you make a purchase through them.

Our main goal is to provide you with helpful information about footwear choices, even though we do make money from our website.

When you click on links to products or services, they’re often affiliate links, which means we might get paid if you buy something. But please know, we only recommend products that we’ve researched thoroughly and truly think will benefit you.

Also, we’re part of the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, which means we earn advertising fees by linking to

It’s important to mention that we haven’t received any free products, services, or perks from these companies for featuring them on our site. The only way we make money is through affiliate commissions.

If you have any questions about this, please feel free to contact us through our website’s contact page, which you can find in the menu.

Impostor foot

A passionate footwear fan's blog offering honest reviews and the latest sneaker comparsions, just for you.