Are Dr Martens Boots Waterproof? Detailed Explained!


Dr. Martens, also known as Doc Martens, are well-known for their tough and rugged shoes. But despite their sturdy design, many wonder if they can handle a splash of water or if they’re actually waterproof.

Today, we’ll dive into this topic and find out whether they’re good at keeping your feet dry or not. If you’re curious, stick around!

Are Doc Martens Really Waterproof?

Most Dr. Martens models are water-resistant, but they’re not fully waterproof. If you’re looking for a higher level of waterproofing, you can only get that in their 1460 Trinity Wintergrip Waterproof Boot. 

Other than these, your best bet is to use a waterproof spray or wax. 

Personally, I’ve tried them myself, and even without being fully waterproof, Dr. Martens still does a great job of keeping your feet dry in the rain and warm in snow, slush, or harsh weather conditions.

So, while most their boots aren’t waterproof, they’re still excellent at resisting tough weather and keeping you comfortable.

What’s The Deal With Water Resistance And Waterproof?

Waterproof and water-resistant aren’t the same thing. While they might sound similar, there’s a big difference between the two. Here’s the deal:

Water Resistance:

Water-resistant shoes are made to repel water up to a certain extent. Beyond that limit, they fail to hold water. 

They can handle light rain, splashes, and damp conditions without letting water seep through immediately. 

However, they’re not built to withstand heavy or prolonged exposure to water. If exposed to such conditions, water will eventually penetrate the material and make your feet wet.


Waterproof shoes, on the other hand, are designed to completely block water from entering, even in heavy rain, deep puddles, or snow. 

They are built with sealed seams, special linings, and materials that are impermeable to water. This means that water, snow, slush, or anything else can’t get inside, keeping your feet dry in the wettest conditions.

So, in easier words, water-resistant shoes offer basic protection. And waterproof shoes provide a higher level of protection and are better at handling extensive water exposure.

Are Vegan Doc Marten Boots Waterproof? 

From what I know, all of Doc Martens’ vegan, patent, and smooth models are water-resistant, so I wouldn’t recommend plunging them into deep puddles.

However, compared to other water-resistant models from Doc Martens, the Vegan models offer slightly better water resistance. 

They handle rain and liquid conditions a bit more effectively than regular water-resistant options. And the Vegan models are nice for their flexibility, but over time, the plastic can deteriorate, especially in high-stress or bend areas.

So, even though they’re better at resisting water, it doesn’t mean they’re fully waterproof. 

Can Doc Martens Get Wet? 

Yes, they can get wet. If you jump into a river wearing your Doc Martens, they’ll obviously get wet because water can easily enter through the big opening where you put your feet.

However, when it comes to light rain or a muddy track, there’s no need to worry. Doc Martens are built to be tough and can handle those conditions just fine.

Can Water Damage Your Doc Martens? 

It really depends on how much your shoes are exposed to water. If you often work in damp or wet conditions, you might start to notice stains and marks from water.

This happens because excessive water exposure can wear away the water-resistant coating on the boots. Once that coating is gone, the leather can develop marks, and in the worst cases, it might even start to crack.

However, if you take good care of your Doc Martens by applying leather conditioner and waterproofing spray, you won’t need to worry about wearing them on a rainy day. Proper maintenance will keep them in good shape.

How To Make Your Doc Martens Waterproof? 

As I’ve mentioned earlier, Doc Martens don’t have many waterproof shoes—maybe one or two, but most of their shoes are water-resistant, not fully waterproof.

So, if you own a pair of water-resistant Doc Martens and want to make them waterproof, here’s some good news: you can do that by applying a good waterproofing spray. These sprays are easy to find, and for your convenience, I’ll link the one I use here.

Best Choice

Nikwax Waterproof Spray

nikewax waterproof spray
Key Feature
Brand: Nikewax
Application: Easy-to-apply formula for full-grain leather, suede, nubuck, and synthetic footwear
5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating

Using a waterproof spray can make your shoes more resistant to water, rain, snow, or whatever else you’re worried about.

How To Apply Waterproof Spray? 

It’s super simple.

Just grab your shoes, clean them with a cloth to remove any dirt or dust, and then start spraying the entire surface of the boots. Go slowly, making sure to cover the seams and stitching to prevent water from seeping in through any weak points. 

You can even do it by following the manufacturer’s instructions on how to apply (it’s usually written on the bottle).

Once you’re done spraying, let the boots dry overnight. After that, they’ll be even better at handling water than before.

Final Takeaway 

After covering so many questions, let’s wrap up what we’ve learned:

Doc Martens boots are quite water-resistant and can handle a decent amount of water compared to many other brands. However, they’re not ideal for heavy rains and severe storm conditions.

For lighter rain and slightly muddy areas, they’re a good option. Just remember to apply conditioner and waterproof spray to help them last longer and perform better in wet conditions.

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  • Mohaimin Ghani

    Mohaimin Ghani is our senior editor and writer at Imposterfoot. He's a total shoe nerd and knows all there is to know about footwear brands. He’s your go-to for shoe reviews, comparisons, and answers to all the FAQs you didn’t even know you had. Outside of writing, he enjoys hitting the gym and playing Valorant on his laptop.

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